I propose to put forward an apology for mathematics; and I may be told that it needs none, since there are now few studies more generally recognized, for good reasons or bad, as profitable and praiseworthy. This may be true: indeed it is probable, since the sensational triumphs of Einstein, that stellar astronomy and atomic physics are the only sciences which stand higher in popular estimation. A mathematician need not now consider himself on the defensive. He does not have to meet the sort of opposition describe by Bradley in the admirable defence of metaphysics which forms the introduction to Appearance and Reality.


A metaphysician, says Bradley, will be told that ‘metaphysical knowledge is wholly impossible’, or that ‘even if possible to a certain degree, it is practically no knowledge worth the name’. ‘The same problems,’ he will hear, ‘the same disputes, the same sheer failure. Why not abandon it and come out? Is there nothing else worth your labour?’ There is no one so stupid as to use this sort of language about mathematics. The mass of mathematical truth is obvious and imposing; its practical applications, the bridges and steam-engines and dynamos, obtrude themselves on the dullest imagination. The public does not need to be convinced that there is something in mathematics.


Metaphysical knowledge,直译为“形而上学知识”。而在这里,F. H. 布拉德利作为一名受康德影响很深刻的哲学家,我认为他对于“形而上学知识”的理解应该与康德的解释类似。

Immanuel Kant


“Metaphysical knowledge”是康德哲学理念中颇为重要的一部分。康德提出过这样一个观点:形而上学知识须为“先验综合知识” (synthetic a priori knowledge)。具体说来,在哲学范畴中,知识可以被分作“综合知识”(synthetic knowledge)和“分析知识”(analytic knowledge)。“分析的知识”直接指向定义所包含的内容,比如“单身汉都没有结婚”(定义如此),“Ag的原子序数是47”(这是通过元素周期表的构造得来); “综合知识”则指向定义所不涉及的内容,比如“单身汉很快乐”(和单身在定义上没有联系),“Kr不和很多金属反应”(并不是决定元素Kr的本质)。

同时,知识又分作“先验”(a priori)和“后验”(a posteriori)两种。先讲“后验知识”。后验知识是指所有通过经验得到的,即通过人的感官观察,然后总结推理得出,比如“纯银是闪亮有光泽的”(诉诸视觉),“真香”(诉诸味觉,嗅觉)等。与此同时,“先验知识”指的是不需要通过感官和感受而得出的。比如“1+1=2”,并不需要动用任何感官(手,鼻子等)。


所以,既然综合知识是和定义不相关的,那么想要获取综合知识,就一定要动用感官吗?在康德看来并不是。他认为综合知识中也有一部分是属于先验知识:比如数学。正像欧式几何这样的领域,“三角形的内角和是180度”,是可以通过定义和几种基本公理推断得出的。而康德则认为这就是metaphysical knowledge的内涵。



All this is in its way very comforting to mathematicians, but it is hardly possible for a genuine mathematician to be content with it. Any genuine mathematician must feel that it is not on these crude achievements that the real case for mathematics rests, that the popular reputation of mathematics is based largely on ignorance and confusion, and there is room for a more rational defence. At any rate, I am disposed to try to make one. It should be a simpler task than Bradley’s difficult apology.



I shall ask, then, why is it really worth while to make a serious study of mathematics? What is the proper justification of a mathematician’s life? And my answers will be, for the most part, such as are expected from a mathematician: I think that it is worth while, that there is ample justification. But I should say at once that my defence of mathematics will be a defence of myself, and that my apology is bound to be to some extent egotistical. I should not think it worth while to apologize for my subject if I regarded myself as one of its failures.


Some egotism of this sort is inevitable, and I do not feel that it really needs justification. Good work is no done by ‘humble’ men. It is one of the first duties of a professor, for example, in any subject, to exaggerate a little both the importance of his subject and his own importance in it. A man who is always asking ‘Is what I do worth while?’ and ‘Am I the right person to do it?’ will always be ineffective himself and a discouragement to others. He must shut his eyes a little and think a little more of his subject and himself than they deserve. This is not too difficult: it is harder not to make his subject and himself ridiculous by shutting his eyes too tightly.
